- 1
Open the gallery and log in with your email address.
- 2
Check the ‘Agree to terms’ box.
- 3
Open your desired photo and tap the download link at the bottom right corner.
- 4
Choose the preferred file size for download.
- 5
Tap ‘download’ when prompted with ‘Do you want to download?’
- 6
Once downloaded, an arrow pointing down will appear next to the address bar, indicating it’s in the ‘Downloads’ folder. However, more steps are needed.
- 7
Tap the downward arrow and select the downloaded picture.
- 8
When viewing the photo, find a box with an upward-pointing arrow at the bottom left corner and tap it.
- 9
Tap ‘Save Image,’ and you’re done!
- 10
If this process fails, ensure you are in the standalone Safari browser and not in private mode.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Downloading all photos at once on your iPhone is not possible; you’ll need to do it one by one. For a bulk download, use a computer.